User Research

User Research

Usability Fail – Twitter on iPhone

This week I have another small usability issue that would be incredibly easy to identify and fix with small scale user testing. This time it’s with Twitter on the iPhone. Typically people read the oldest tweets first, working up to the latest ones. The app is made to support this, retaining your ‘last read’ tweet,…

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150 150 Steve Bromley

Usability Fail – Lotus Notes

Lotus notes has many usability issues (or 'features' as they're called). One of the most annoying is below: Accidentally click ‘request more details’ in Lotus Notes? Bad luck, as you now have to send the request. Here are the options presented to you if you try and exit.

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150 150 Steve Bromley

The User Experience of waiting for the bus

How information is presented affects people’s perceptions, and ultimately their experience of performing a task. I had a great example of this yesterday morning. It started, as my day’s too often do, with an early start and a rush for the train... To get to the train station, I get the bus. One of the…

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150 150 Steve Bromley

Amazon understands its customers

Twice this week, I’ve had to discuss the success of Amazon. In my opinion, it’s not due to their content, but rather their successful application of usability and user centred design. Today I’ll be looking at how Amazon has applied user experience principles to build upon their early success and stay competitive in the marketplace.

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150 150 Steve Bromley

Improving the user experience of driving

This weekend I drove a 500 mile round trip, which gave me a lot of time to think. I thought about how driving is very similar to a game, requiring practise, skill, and with clearly defined goals. I guess that’s why driving was always such a popular young-adult activity before consoles. I also thought about…

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150 150 Steve Bromley