User Research

User Research

UX needs an Agile environment

Agile is a relatively young software development methodology, with the Agile Manifesto being written less than 10 years ago. It claims to offer a significant advancement from traditional ‘Waterfall’ methodologies, not least because it allows user experience principles to be applied and integrated within the design process. Today I’ll cover a brief introduction to the…

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150 150 Steve Bromley

Effective UI by the EffectiveUI team – Book Review

Effective UI is a new book by … EffectiveUI, which aims to give an introduction to the art of building a superior user experience.  EffectiveUI (the company) are a user experience agency from the US, recently known for building the iPad app Ideate, a tool for wire framing and sketching which uses pre-set templates for…

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150 150 Steve Bromley

Telling Tales – Stories for promoting user experience.

Stories have long been an important way of recording and imparting information, as evident through the survival of folklore, myths and songs from our past. As a tool for communicating, and retaining information, they are highly valuable, and the principles of this can be applied to the promotion of User Experience. Why do teams need…

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150 150 Steve Bromley

Quantifying the unquantifiable – Expert Evaluations

At a recent However an expert evaluation can only ever be subjective, and this is it’s biggest weakness. A client can look at your page full of recommendations, and dismiss it as the opinion of one person. There’s no easy way to see progress with changes, and a comparison with other sites can only ever…

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150 150 Steve Bromley

Watching ‘average users’: Word

It’s easy to forget how useful it is to watch less technical people use some common programs, and how helpful observation is as a tool to understand the ‘average’ user. I recently watched someone using MS Word (2003 I think), and it was…enlightening. They made a large number of ‘errors’ when using MS Word, but…

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150 150 Steve Bromley