<span style="font-size: 150%">The Shark</span>
<img src="http://stevebromley.com/games/shark/shark.jpg" width="50%" align="middle" alt="The shark">
(set: $text to "You are walking down the road, and see a shark.
What do you want to do?")
[[Start The Shark]]
(set: $list to (a: "You look at the shark.
It's sitting in the middle of the road opening and closing its jaws.",
"You look at the shark.
It looks angry.",
"You look at the shark.
It's eyes are as black as obsidian. They could be none more black.",
"You look at the shark.
It's teeth are as sharp as Sean Bean.",
"You look at the shark.
It's about as large as twenty ducks.",
"You look at the shark.
It's tail is slowly moving back and forth, like a cat contemplating your demise.",
"You look at the shark.
It is staring directly into your soul, and knows the worst thing you've ever done.",
"You look at the shark.
It looks angrier than Ronnie Pickering.",
"You look at the shark.
I'm no shark expert, but I think it's a thresher shark, of the family Alopiidae.",
"You look at the shark.
You spot nothing else of consequence about it."))
(set: $count to 0)
(link:'Look at it')[(set: $text to (print: $list[$count]))(set: $count to it +1)(goto:'Start The Shark')]
[[Walk around it]]
[[Jump it]]
You jump the shark.
I know that feeling - I think it was Textris that did it.
The end.
(colour: "#D3D3D3")[`@steve_bromley`] It seems like a sensible move. You walk around the shark.
[[Carry on down the street->Start The Shark]]
(set: $text to "You immediately come across another shark. How do you want to handle this?")
(set: $count to 0)