<span style="font-size: 120%">the fridge.</span>
[[Start the fridge->Start The Fridge]]<img src="http://stevebromley.com/games/fridge/images/fridge.jpg" width="100%" alt="Fridge">
The item resembles a domestic refrigerator, matching the model produced by Smeg between 1995 and 1998.
It was discovered in the residence of Arthur Harrington, resident of Bognor Regis within the UK. Mr Harrington was reported missing approximately twelve months before the retrieval of this object, which was recovered during a sale of the estate.
Initial observers reported that the fridge was functioning and appeared to be producing cold temperatures despite power being turned off at the residence for approximately 8 months prior.
The item has two settings. Cold and 'UltraBlast'.
The item has been brought in to the lab for testing.
[[Commence Testing]]
**Category 1 Tests - Unprocessed Flora**
<img src="http://stevebromley.com/games/fridge/images/flora.jpg" width="80%" alt="Flora">
[[Start Category 1 Testing->Test 1 Prep]]
**Category 1 Tests - Unprocessed Flora**
The setting applied was...
[[UltraBlast->Test1Ultra]]**Category 1 Tests - Unprocessed Flora**(set: $temp to 1)
The setting applied was 'Cold'
[[Run Test->Test1Result]]
(if: $object is 1 and $temp is 1)[(set: $result to "The apple was removed after two hours exposure to the refrigeration compartment.
The apple was cool to the touch, and it was observed that bruising previously present on the apple had disappeared.")]
(if: $object is 1 and $temp is 2)[(set: $result to "A small pip was removed from the refrigeration compartment after two hours exposure. The original apple was not found to be present within the lab.
Further testing identified that the pip was of the category Malus pumila - the common Apple Tree.")]
(if: $object is 2 and $temp is 1)[(set: $result to "The houseplant was retrieved after two hours exposure to the refrigeration compartment. The plant's container was cool to the touch, and it was observed that the houseplant had shrunk and appeared to be newly budding.")]
(if: $object is 2 and $temp is 2)[(set: $result to "A small seed was removed from the refrigeration compartment after two hours exposure. The original houseplant was not found to be present within the lab.
Further testing identified that the seed was of the category Aglaonema - a Chinese Evergreen.")]
(if: $object is 3 and $temp is 1)[(set: $result to "The acorn was retrieved after two hours exposure to the refrigeration compartment. The acorn was observed to be cool to the touch, but otherwise unchanged.")]
(if: $object is 3 and $temp is 2)[(set: $result to "A small fern was removed from the refrigeration after two hours. The original acorn was not found to be present within the lab.
The fern was of the type 'Cycad', but further testing indicated that this specific strain was unknown to researchers. ")]
**Category 1 Tests - Unprocessed Flora**(set: $temp to 2)
The setting applied was 'UltraBlast'
[[Run Test->Test1Result]]
(if: $object is 1 and $temp is 1)[(set: $result to "The apple was removed after two hours exposure to the refrigeration compartment.
The apple was cool to the touch, and it was observed that bruising previously present on the apple had disappeared.")]
(if: $object is 1 and $temp is 2)[(set: $result to "A small pip was removed from the refrigeration compartment after two hours exposure. The original apple was not found to be present within the lab.
Further testing identified that the pip was of the category Malus pumila - the common Apple Tree.")]
(if: $object is 2 and $temp is 1)[(set: $result to "The houseplant was retrieved after two hours exposure to the refrigeration compartment. The plant's container was cool to the touch, and it was observed that the houseplant had shrunk and appeared to be newly budding.")]
(if: $object is 2 and $temp is 2)[(set: $result to "A small seed was removed from the refrigeration compartment after two hours exposure. The original houseplant was not found to be present within the lab.
Further testing identified that the seed was of the category Aglaonema - a Chinese Evergreen.")]
(if: $object is 3 and $temp is 1)[(set: $result to "The acorn was retrieved after two hours exposure to the refrigeration compartment. The acorn was observed to be cool to the touch, but otherwise unchanged.")]
(if: $object is 3 and $temp is 2)[(set: $result to "A small fern was removed from the refrigeration after two hours. The original acorn was not found to be present within the lab.
The fern was of the type 'Cycad', but further testing indicated that this specific strain was unknown to researchers. ")]
**Category 1 Tests - Unprocessed Flora**
[[Next Test->Test 2prep]]**Category 2 Tests - Processed Food**
The subject of this test was ...
(link: "A burger")[(set: $subject to "A Happy Meal™ comprising of a small burger, fries and cola drink were placed inside the refrigerator.")(set: $object to 1)(goto: 'Test2a')]
(link: "Some sushi")[(set: $subject to "A selection of sushi purchased from a local restaurant chain were obtained from research assistant Toby's desk, and placed within the fridge.")(set: $object to 2)(goto: 'Test2a')]
(link: "A birthday cake")[(set: $subject to "A birthday cake was introduced into the refrigerator. The cake featured red velvet flavouring, and the words *Happy Birthday Toby* were displayed in frosting on the top. Celebration candles shaped like the numbers '31' appear on the top of the cake.")(set: $object to 3)(goto: 'Test2a')]
**Category 2 Tests - Processed Food**
The setting applied was...
(link:"Cold")[(set: $temp to 1)(goto: 'Test2b')]
(link:"UltraBlast")[(set: $temp to 2)(goto: 'Test2b')]
**Category 2 Tests - Processed Food**
(if: $temp is 1)[The setting applied was 'Cold'](if: $temp is 2)[The setting applied was 'UltraBlast']
[[Run Test->Test2Result]]
(if: $object is 1 and $temp is 1)[(set: $result to "When opened after two hours exposure, a collection of meats, powders and liquids were found deconstructed within the fridge, including beef, water, enriched flower, food starch-modified, sodium phosphates, canola oil, mono- and diglycerides and rosemary.
A trace amount of fecal matter was also identified.")]
(if: $object is 1 and $temp is 2)[(set: $result to "When opened after two hours exposure, the Happy Meal was missing and initial inspection of the fridge indicated it was empty.
A more thorough investigation revealed a small amount of powder at the bottom of the refridgeration compartment. Further testing identified the powder as an opiod of unknown origin.")]
(if: $object is 2 and $temp is 1)[(set: $result to "When retrieved from the fridge after two hours, the sushi was cool to the touch.
The sushi was largely unchanged, however the california roll had been replaced with a futomaki, and the urumaki was no longer present.")]
(if: $object is 2 and $temp is 2)[(set: $result to "When opened after two hours, a selection of fish were found on the floor of the refrigeration compartment. Investigation identified that the fish had passed away from axphixiation approximately 24 hours prior.
The fish were of the species sea bass, tuna, mackerel, and blue marlin.
One rat was also identified amongst the fish. The rat was alive and apparently well.")]
(if: $object is 3 and $temp is 1)[(set: $result to "After two hours exposure the fridge was opened. The cake was cool to the touch, but otherwise unchanged.
Close inspection revealed the order of the candles had reversed, with the '1' now appearing before the '3'.")]
(if: $object is 3 and $temp is 2)[(set: $result to "After two hours exposure, the fridge was opened. An arctic roll was discovered within, with the message *Congratulations on the birth of your son* frosted on top. ")]
**Category 2 Tests - Processed Food**
[[Next Test->Test 3prep]]**Category 3 Tests - Human Made Objects**
The subject of this test was ...
(link: "A mobile telephone")[(set: $subject to "An iPhone 6 belonging to the facility's research assistant Toby was placed within the refrigerator..")(set: $object to 1)(goto: 'Test3a')]
(link: "A book")[(set: $subject to "A copy of '1984' by George Orwell was retrieved from the desk of the facility's research assistant Toby was placed within the refrigerator.")(set: $object to 2)(goto: 'Test3a')]
(link: "A newspaper")[(set: $subject to "A newspaper was placed within the refrigerator. The newspaper was the free daily newspaper 'The Metro' published on the day of the experiment, with the headline *Brexit talks delayed again*.")(set: $object to 3)(goto: 'Test3a')]
**Category 3 Tests - Human Made Objects**
The setting applied was...
(link:"Cold")[(set: $temp to 1)(goto: 'Test3b')]
(link:"UltraBlast")[(set: $temp to 2)(goto: 'Test3b')]
**Category 3 Tests - Human Made Objects**
(if: $temp is 1)[The setting applied was 'Cold'](if: $temp is 2)[The setting applied was 'UltraBlast']
[[Run Test->Test3Result]]
(if: $object is 1 and $temp is 1)[(set: $result to "A Nokia 3310 was retrieved from the refrigeration compartment. No contacts or previous messages were found on the phone, however a draft text was unset on the device. The text of the draft message was *freezer burn.*.
The original iPhone 6 was not found within the lab.")]
(if: $object is 1 and $temp is 2)[(set: $result to "A sheet of thin, fibrous material was removed from the fridge. Further testing revealed the material was made of a composite of hemp and linen rags.
The paper was printed with a personal correspodance, undated, describing the visit of the Earl of Leicester, Robert Dudley, to Hampton Court.")]
(if: $object is 2 and $temp is 1)[(set: $result to "The book 'News from Nowhere' by William Morris was retrieved from the fridge.
The book was cool to the touch, and had been inscribed 'To my good friend Toby'.")]
(if: $object is 2 and $temp is 2)[(set: $result to "The book 'Utopia' by Thomas More was retrieved from the refrigeration compartment.
The book was cool to the touch, and had been inscribed 'To My Good Friend Henry'.")]
(if: $object is 3 and $temp is 1)[(set: $result to "The newspaper was retrieved from the refrigeration compartment. The newspaper's contents had altered - the paper was now dated for the previous week, and featured stories that had appeared in that issue.
All of the pictures had been replaced with adverts for fridges.")]
(if: $object is 3 and $temp is 2)[(set: $result to "A sheet of thin, fibrous material was removed from the fridge. Further testing revealed the material was made of a composite of hemp and linen rags.
The paper was printed with a personal correspodance, undated, describing the visit of the Earl of Leicester, Robert Dudley, to Hampton Court.")]
**Category 3 Tests - Human Made Objects**
[[Next Test->Test 4prep]]**Category 4 Tests - Unprocessed Fauna**
<img src="http://stevebromley.com/games/fridge/images/sheep.jpg" width="80%" alt="Sheep">
[[Start Category 4 Testing->Test 4]]**Category 2 Tests - Processed Food**
<img src="http://stevebromley.com/games/fridge/images/food2.jpg" width="80%" alt="Food">
[[Start Category 2 Testing->Test 2]]**Category 1 Tests - Unprocessed Flora**
The subject of this test was ...
(link: "An apple")[(set: $subject to "An apple retrieved from research assistant Toby's lunch was introduced into the main cooling compartment of the refrigerator.")(set: $object to 1)(goto: 'Test1')]
(link: "A houseplant")[(set: $subject to "A small Chinese Evergreen plant retrieved from research assistant Toby's desk was introduced into the main cooling compartment of the refrigerator.")(set: $object to 2)(goto: 'Test1')]
(link: "An acorn")[(set: $subject to "An acorn retrieved from the lab's garden was introduced into the main cooling compartment of the refrigerator.")(set: $object to 3)(goto: 'Test1')]
**Category 3 Tests - Human Made Objects**
<img src="http://stevebromley.com/games/fridge/images/gadget.jpg" width="80%" alt="Gadgets">
[[Start Category 3 Testing->Test 3]]**Category 4 Tests - Unprocessed Fauna**
The subject of this test was ...
(link: "A common housecat")[(set: $subject to "A male domestic shorthaired cat was placed within the refrigerator. The cat featured black and white markings, is of approximately 6 years old, and answers to *Jeremy*.")(set: $object to 1)(goto: 'Test4a')]
(link: "A duck")[(set: $subject to "A mallard was retrieved from the nearby river, and introduced into the refrigerator. Observation placed the duck at approximately 3 years old.")(set: $object to 2)(goto: 'Test4a')]
(link: "A cockroach")[(set: $subject to "A cockroach was retrieved from the lab's air ducts, and introduced into the refrigerator. Initial observation indicates the cockroach is fully grown.")(set: $object to 3)(goto: 'Test4a')]
**Category 4 Tests - Unprocessed Fauna**
The setting applied was...
(link:"Cold")[(set: $temp to 1)(goto: 'Test4b')]
(link:"UltraBlast")[(set: $temp to 2)(goto: 'Test4b')]
**Category 4 Tests - Unprocessed Fauna**
(if: $temp is 1)[The setting applied was 'Cold'](if: $temp is 2)[The setting applied was 'UltraBlast']
[[Run Test->Test4Result]]
(if: $object is 1 and $temp is 1)[(set: $result to "A kitten was retreived from the refrigerator after two hours exposure. The kitten appears to be approximately six weeks old.
Researchers described the cat as male, and 'a real cutey pie'.")]
(if: $object is 1 and $temp is 2)[(set: $result to "After two hours exposure, the refrigerator was opened to reveal a small lion. The lion was agitated and appeared confused. The lion attempted to gnaw on research assistant Toby's arm, before being sedated.
Further testing indicated the lion is of a species believed to pre-date today's Panthera leo.")]
(if: $object is 2 and $temp is 1)[(set: $result to "An egg was retrieved from the fridge two hours later. The egg had the appearance of a duck's egg.
Further testing uncovered that the egg was unfertilised, and tasty.")]
(if: $object is 2 and $temp is 2)[(set: $result to "A small lizard was retrieved from the fridge. The lizard was of an unknown species, stood approximately 30 centimeters tall, and had prominent claws and teeth. The lizard has been retained for further testing.
No signs were evident of the mallard.")]
(if: $object is 3 and $temp is 1)[(set: $result to "The cockroach was removed from the refrigerator after two hours. It appeared unchanged.")]
(if: $object is 3 and $temp is 2)[(set: $result to "The cockroach was removed from the refrigerator after two hours. It appeared unchanged.")]
**Category 4 Tests - Unprocessed Fauna**
[[Next Test->Test 5prep]]**Category 5 Tests - Self Aware Beings**
<img src="http://stevebromley.com/games/fridge/images/brain.jpg" width="80%" alt="Brain">
[[Start Category 5 Testing->Test 5]]**Category 5 Tests - Self Aware Beings**
The subject of this test was ...
(link: "The experimenter")[(set: $subject to "The experimenter climbed inside the fridge.")(set: $object to 1)(goto: 'Log1')]
(link: "Research Assistant Toby")[(set: $subject to "Research Assistant Toby was subdued and introduced into the refrigerator. Initial observations indicate that the subject appeared extremly distressed upon entry. ")(set: $object to 2)(goto: 'Test5a')]
(link: "A child")[(set: $subject to "A child was obtained from the 'Bring your child to work' morning, and introduced into the fridge. The child is approximately six years old, and answers to *Jake*.")(set: $object to 3)(goto: 'Test5a')]
**Category 5 Tests - Self Aware Beings**
The setting applied was...
(link:"Cold")[(set: $temp to 1)(goto: 'Test5b')]
(link:"UltraBlast")[(set: $temp to 2)(goto: 'Test5b')]
**Category 5 Tests - Self Aware Beings**
The experimenter climbed inside the fridge.
[[View Experimenters Log]]<u>Experimenter's Log - 00:30</u>
*The stopwatch says I've been in here for 30 minutes. It's dark, and cold, but uneventful so far.
Surprisingly roomy as well - feels much bigger in here than it looks from the outside.
I don't think anything's happening - perhaps it doesn't have an effect on people.*
[[Next Log Entry->Log2]]**Category 5 Tests - Self Aware Beings**
(if: $temp is 1)[The setting applied was 'Cold'](if: $temp is 2)[The setting applied was 'UltraBlast']
[[Run Test->Test5Result]]
(if: $object is 1 and $temp is 1)[(set: $result to "freezer burn.")]
(if: $object is 1 and $temp is 2)[(set: $result to "freezer burn.")]
(if: $object is 2 and $temp is 1)[(set: $result to "After two hours exposure, Toby was removed. His appearance had radically changed, and the research assistant appeared to be four years old, and dressed with a child sized lab coat.
On inspection, his stethoscope had undergone an unknown reaction and become plastic. His ID badge had similarly transfigured and now described his role as *Dr. Fun*.
Toby's language ability had regressed, and the subject could describe no insight into their experience within the fridge.
Since the change, Toby's colleagues are much happier with his performance.")]
(if: $object is 2 and $temp is 2)[(set: $result to "After two hours exposure, Toby was removed. His physical appearance was unchanged, but he appears to have lost all language ability and could not be communicated with via speech or written text.
No heartbeat was detected, yet he appeared to react to physical stimuli.
Based on his current aptitude research assistant Toby has been reallocated to work within the HR department.")]
(if: $object is 3 and $temp is 1)[(set: $result to "After two hours exposure, the child was removed.
The child's appearance had radically changed, and appeared to be approximately 6 months old.
Language ability had regressed, and the child could describe no insight into their experience.
Observation since testing completed indicates that the child has not demonstrated signs of aging in the eight months since the test was initially ran. The child has been retained for stem cells research. ")]
(if: $object is 3 and $temp is 2)[(set: $result to "After two hours the fridge was opened to reveal a pile of banknotes, and some cinema tickets. The child was no longer present.
The cinema tickets are for a 8pm screening of Avengers: Endgame dated for today's date. The money totalled £229,251.
It is noted that £229,251 was reported by a 2015 study to be the cost of raising a child.
The current waiting list for staff seeking refunds on their children is six months. ")]
**Category 5 Tests - Self Aware Beings**
**Testing ceased - (current-date:).**
(colour: "#2F4F4F")[`@steve_bromley`]<u>Experimenter's Log - 01:30</u>
*Still no observable changes. Although now I do feel much colder - looking forward to getting out of here in 30 minutes. *
[[Next Log Entry->Log3]]<u>Experimenter's Log - 02:00</u>
*Time's up.
There's no handle on the inside here, and I can't seem to push my way out, but they should be letting me out about now.
Good! It's really cold, and nothing happened - a failed test. *
[[Next Log Entry->Log4]]<u>Experimenter's Log - 02:15</u>
*I hope they come soon. *
[[Next Log Entry->Log5]]<u>Experimenter's Log - 02:30</u>
*I can hear talking outside. It's muffled, but sounds like people are arguing. The voices don't sound familiar *
[[Next Log Entry->Log5a]]<u>Experimenter's Log - XX:XX</u>
*The stopwatch's battery failed a long time ago. How long is hard to say - there's nothing to judge time against. So very cold. *
[[Next Log Entry->Log7]]<u>Experimenter's Log - XX:XX</u>
*freezer burn.*
[[Next Log Entry->Log8]]<u>E̷̛͖͌̈̿̐̈́͆̋̉̚x̷̡̛͙͈̞̟̙̗̘͂͂́͆̂̊͐̈́̈͒̈́͑͒p̷̡̢͇̞̯̦͚̫̮̳͍͇͉̝͂͒̈̿̇̈́̎͐̔̍̏͝e̶̛̫̥̙̍̀̊̇̀͒̈͑̿͆͝ͅr̶̰̲͖̆̒͗́̄̾̎͜i̴̡̧͕̻̩̰̎̂̍̃͑͐̈́́̎̌͗͘͠͝m̸̛̪̤̺̝̱͖͔͈̘͕͓͂̆̾͜͠ͅȩ̷͉͉͎͚͓͍̻̬̅̃̋̚͜ͅn̶͈̖̖͙̔͐̑̒̈́́̚̕ͅt̶̻̞͔͓̰̝͋̅̃͜e̵̛̹͓̹̪̟̜͊̓͗̍̉̍̍̚r̴̛̪̀́̐͆̀'̶̨̙̘̰̼͗͌̊̃͒̀̀͗̀͛̕ş̶̛͈̟̱͇͔̑͐̒̍̇̈͛͗͜ͅ ̸̢̨̻͕̣͇̼̹͍͒̀̆̈́͒̉̊̚͝ͅͅL̷̗͍̣̞̕̕o̸̡̧̩̠̙͉̝͚̤̲͎͇̘͒̏̑̋̂̽̽̽̎̌g̶̖̞͉͚̖̳̙̊͑̽͗̅̅̇̔͗̚͘͜ ̶̝̜̥̼̥̔͐̐̈́̒́͂͆̓͌͜͝-̷͎̤̯͙̲̥̫̥̿̽̊͊͆͆ͅ ̵̰̼̱̯̫̲̺̘̯̜̲͋͐͜X̸̢̙̿ͅX̵̙̳͙̬̼̗̼͕͎̄͗̂̋͝:̷̠̘̋X̷̡̨̟̏̔̆̉͊̓̚ͅX̵̻͇͇̲̜̤̮̼̻̳̬͋̽͗</u>
*f̴̛̞͇̘̺̪̬͉̟͉̯̓͐͠͝r̷̨̡͎̜̞̥̹̹̪̾̑̈́̽́̉̀́̓̈͆̍͑͋̕ͅê̸̡̢̪̘͉̠̣͓͙̖̩̮͕͜͜e̴̢̧͍̜̮̱̜̩͌̎̏͘̕ẕ̶̲̔́́̋͑̎͌̈́e̵͚͕̪͍͓̰̤̼̋r̷̼̯͈͇̤̘͈̱̀̽́͆̆͊͜ ̴̻̞͙̱̬͎̦͇̣͉͈̼̦̏b̶̧̛̛̥̗̼̘͚̙̫̳͕̝̳̻̥̐͐̄̈́̃͗̉̚͘͝͝u̵͈̖͒̅ŕ̶̯͚̝̱͂̀̏̈́͋ṋ̴́̏͌̇̄͗́̏̀̚̚͘͠.*
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*f̷̢̧̨̨̨̧̨̛̛̛̤̬̥̗̦̬̞̤̜͖͔͚͇͕̱͚̭̲̙̻̮̣̖̻̜̬̠͕̞͙̦̫̩̰̝̪̟̜̗͇̟̝̫̦̟̳͍̞͍͇̾̓͊̏́̀̆̽͌̏̑̿̐͒̌̐̀̍͑̊͋̂̆͌͆̂́̋́̽̎͛̈́̑́̊͂͒̅͋̈̑̇̌̂̑̄̀̿̈́̑̔̒̆͒̉̈́̓͗̀͒̂̉̃̈́̽̀̇̐͋̀͆̈̌̂͊̅̉͒̿́̌̀͌̀̍̀̇̎̔̃̆͋͒̑̊̊̅́̀͌͒̈̉̒͋̓̃̊̐̈́̓̓̌́̏͛͗̃̔́̏̓̾͛̈́̔̃̕̚͘͘̕̚͘͠͝͝͝͠͝͝͝͝͝͝ͅͅŗ̴̢̨̨̡̢̢̡̧̨̢̨̢̧̛̛̘̤͕̞̦̝̣̝̦͈̘̺̙̜͈̣̰̘̝̲̹̩̩͔͇̹̣͉̣͉̪͔̗̖̲̟͕̗̱͈͔̹̜͓͍̜̱̙̝̰̠̞̦͙͉̠̝̰̘̤̺̱͔̙̠̼̥͓̣̟̟̝͇͉̜̦̹͈̙̫̼͓͙̝̟͓͓͔͚͚͇̭̪͚̻̖͕̰̺͚̭̺̦̜̺̖͔̳̪̦̻̪̥̬̥̤̫̞͉̱̯͚̦͇͇̼͚̗̞͖̗̭̠̤̜̜͕͉͙̳̩͙̝̰͕̲̺͖̱̮̲͇̻̳̭̭̩̩͎̫̖̘̘̮̱̣͚̮̖͈͎̩͇̠̮̳̞̦̤̲̭͍͍͔̮̜̯̠̘̳̫͖͓̦̺̣̹̙͖̭͕̝̗͙͙͚̜̯̹̗̫͙̹̝̩̞͎̭̤̣̬̠̣̺͚͚̰͛̊̍̽̉̏̈́̂̽͗͗͛̿̒̋̆́͒̽͋̇͗͒́̃͊̈́̇̈̐̆̒̔͋́͊͆̐͌͆̿̔͑̀̒͗͂̐̋̊̽̏̂̒͐̌͐̀̍̽̑͊͆̋͆̀̉̒͌͊̇̽̋͛͗̀̓͐̿́̏̈́̎͑̃̿̏̋́̓̿̀̏͂͑͒̓̌́̿̂̆̊̇̉̑̈́̇͒̊͊̄͛̋̉̍̐͂̆̊̋͆̍̈́͋̀̄̈́͋͊͛̃̉̿͊͗̅̓͆̀̈̃̈́͑̈̓͌̈́̈́̿̌̀̋͂̾̅̓̾͂̈́̄̀͌̆̊̓́͐̆̆́̑͐̏̎͛̚͘̚̕̕͜͜͜͜͜͠͝͠͝͝͠͝͠͝͝͝͝͝͠͝͝͝ͅͅͅͅe̸̢̧̨̡̨̛͇̙͚̦͉̜̹͉̯̼̘̮̩̗͈̰̪͉̘̭̝͔̝̜̻̰̬̖̘̣͍͎̞̘̞̳̞͙̜̲͉͕̘̳̗̩͂͋̑̑̇̑̓̈́̒͋͋͗̅̾͂͋̈́̅̓̉̐̓̌̉̓̽̽̅̔̈͆̀͊̈́̎̂̕̕̕͜͜͝͝͝͝͝ȩ̷̡̨̛̛̛͖̼̙͎̼̱̭̹͎̱̥̠̹̰̠̭̯͔̗͔̱̲͕̲̯̞͈̥̲̗̙̹̰̱̜͉̩̜̠̳̥̳̥̩̹̦̩͉̜̫̘̙̽̒̌̀̉͐̀͌̂͂̾̇̀̒̄̌͋̋̓̿̍͐́̇͒̂̀̉̄͆̋͗̊̈̊̈̈͗̔̑̀͌̇̋̇͐̑͌̈́̀̈́́̽̈́͗̂͌̒͆̃̀͐̔͘͘̕̚͘̚͜͝͝͝͝͠͝͠͝͝ͅz̷̡̡̡̨̡̡̢̢̢̧̨̢̡̢̡̨̡̧̢̡̡̢̢̛͔͔͇̹̹͕̜̞͇̣͖̲̟̤̳͍͎͙̭͕̼̱̤̥̱̬͕̦̘͙̭͙̰͚̱̪̮̺̼̫̱͎̻̳̞̩͚͇̳̪̘̦̳̳̝͇̬̪̤̣̝̤̱̞̱̦̘̼̳̞̠͖͖̙͉̗̬̬̭͕̮̫̫̙̗̹̪̫͕̰̼̯̹̗͖̯̖̥̱͓̪̩͖̠͈͙̩̣̟͓͙͔̺̫̟̰̳͔̖̺̟̘̖̻͕̞̺͖̼̜̥͔͔͕̜̟̥̳̪̺̭̦̟̫͓͔͔͓̺͖͓̻̝̼͍̺̹̜̰̹̼̟̙̝͕̫̬͉̖̻̗̰̹͈̱͉̘͉̺̞̺̤͚̤̙̱̪̼̠̟̼͍͍͕̩̼̱̬͍̫͈͍̩̗̻͈͖͔̲̯̼͓͖̥̼̥̝̥̳̝̫͚̙̩̹̩̹͙͕̘͓̩̺͙͍̠̜̼̫̑̔̉̌̍̿͊͊͆̒̽͆́̇̓͐̀͋͐͆̓͗̋͐̓͋͐̔͛̌̇͐̅̉͆̎̇́͛̌̐̊́́̅͋̓̀͑͂͑̆̂̋̌̈́́̂̐̃̾̎́͒͐̈̏͋͌̑̍͛͒̑́̕͘̚̕͜͜͜͜͜͜͝͠͝͝͝͝͝͝ͅͅͅͅͅͅͅͅͅͅͅȩ̶̡̧̧̢̧̨̡̢̧̨̢̧̧̨̧̡̢̢̢̢̡̡̡̢̨̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̜͓̙͖̤̞͕̩̗͔̮͓͚̪̭̦̟͇͔̪̺͙̠̞͖̞̩͇̻̣̮̯̘̻̗̖̪̻͉͖̙͈̤̘̤͕̖͍̱͖̺̠̫̮͈̹̠̬̺͇̯̲͈̫̹̜̘̣͕̙̰̫̖͖͉̝̲̫̳͕̺̪͎̺͇͚̰̦̹̳͚̞͚̫̥̬̺̻̜͉̠͎̗̼͖͔̰̭̘̲̠̹̞̺̰̦̦̙̝̺̘͕̫͍͈̠̪͉͙͍̻̜͓͙̘͓̦̻̖̟̼̯͈͈͈͙͓͍̪͙̗͕͔͙̺̠͇̖̹̼̤̜̖̯̗̞͙̘̘̩͖̼̗̣̟̖̲͕̮̫̱̰̥̘̺͙̲͉̭̩̼̪͈̩̩̞̺̺̤͇̫̮̻̹̟̰̘̥̰̪̖͚̪̘̦̙͉̲͇̪͎͈̬̱͕̥͎̹̗̙̩͖̥̮͈͖̼̼͔̲̝̹̘̩͓̗̱͎͉͇̤̀̽̎͑̓̉̉́̊̃͐͗̉̒͛̔̆̇̏̄̑̔̈́̄͂̑͌͒͐͑̽͒̈́́͂̈́͛̓̈́͋̀̈̔̔͊̎̑̈̈́̎͋̐̊̈́̃̀͗͐̀̈́͑̅͋͂͂͑̿̓̈̉̂̋́̾̄̒̅̄̇̈́̋͛̊̂̾̍̆̐́̔̆̆͋̀̈́̇͊̈́̆̀̂̓͛̇̍̅̽̏̇͐̅̍̅͂̋̑̐̆͗̌͌̓́̊̀͆͛̿̅̃͌̍̋͌͑̏̇͋̐͌̃̍̇̂̽͂̉̀̆̈́̒̅͑̆́̔̀̓́͋͊̈́̽͂͒͊̄̔͒̓̑͌̓̈́̄̏̊̂̋̄́͐̈́̂̆̒̉̏̍̏̓́͊͋̄̎̇͌̀̾̈̑͗̍͛̋̈̀̎̈͊̈́͑̑͑͑̈́̍͑̀͋̈́̍̈́̈̈́̒͑̿̎̈́̈́̈́̒͒̅̒̒̈̔͒̑̒̔͋̌̒̈́͘͘͘͘̕̕͘͘̚͘̚̚̚͘̕̕͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͝͝͝͝͝͝͝͠͝͝͠͝͝͝͠͠͝͠͝ͅͅͅͅͅͅͅͅͅŗ̵̧̨̡̧̢̧̡̡̢̧̨̨̢̡̨̧̡̡̛̛̛̛̞̫͓̜̦̖͎̠̩͔̣̳̯̳̺̺̱̬͎̱̟̹͇͕̼̟̜̙͕̘͚̱̟̲̳͓͇͈͍̩̙̖͈͎̺̹͖̩̰̥̥̗̲̖̟̺͓͉̦̣̩̫̣͕̝̜̝̩̦̮̞̞̝̫͉̜̮͙̣̫̟̯̖͍̯̰͎̬͈̪͕͇̫̣̞̩̠̮̤͓̳̤̲̲̭̲͔͔͓͚̰͖͙͕̟͇͎̣̲̙̣̠̲̭̤̻̹̥͉̫͔̼̞͉̳̻͙̺̲̗̪͇̹̱̳̠̣͕̖̫̭͖̹̻̙̣̦̳̗̰͕͚̜̯͕̪͓̫̟̳̬͕̳̗̲̬̬̬̐͋́̑̄͛͌͗̄́͂̈́̋̀͊̈́̓̇̌̓͐́͊̀̓̍͌̉̓̏̉̂̈̽̉̄̓̏̑́͛͗̏̎̉̀̓͗̌͊͆̀̉́͗̃́͋͆̓́̊͊̀̒̾͋́̀͊̈́̽̏̓̇͗́̓́̀̆̔̋̂̋̓̀̍̽̎͆̊̽̈́̿͆̓̌̑̔̏͗̂́̅̐̃̈́̍̆̐̉̐͒̈́̀́̈́͐̒̈́̒̈́͆̾͆̎̔̈́̌͆̂͆̌̽́͗̿̓́͂̓̍͊͌̄͌̈̄̓̌͂̑́̀̃͂͂̑̉͌́̽̍͂͑̉̊̀̇̏̐́͒̉̓͑͂̉͊̌̿̈́̓̈́̒́̎̊͛̀͐͂͂́̽̏͆́̌̈́́̍̉̕̚͘͘̚̕̚̕̕̕͘͘̚̚̕̚̕͜͜͜͝͝͝͠͝͝͝͝͝͝͝͝ͅͅ ̴̨̧̢̧̡̢̨̡̡̧̨̡̨̨̢̡̡̢̢̨̡̢̢̢̢̡̡̢̛̛̘̦̮̤̖͈̝̗̻̺̟̥̹̲̙̪̠̼͓̟̯͕̣̖̣̣͙̫̤̠͍͉͚̯̜̼̭̗̭͕̯̤͔̟͍̙̠͍͇͔̟̮̳̖͉̘̫̦͖̣̗̭̤͔͇͓͖̘̘̜̻͕̫̞̤̻̺̳̳̣̥̞̩̗̜͙̪̫̖̘̖̩̤̦̮͔͉̥͖̱̞̮̭͕͍̯͎̭̬̟͈͕͙̱̱̖̜̮̺̭̫̤̪̬̺͖̮̻̝̟̘̖͎̘͍̳̗͈̤͇̦͚̲̦̜̯̝̳̼̬͖̭̭͖̳͈̻̦̦̫̮̪̺̻̰̜̻̣̱̟̝̫̪̳̜̪͇̻͚͔̘͕͕̭̪̳̭̳̝̮̣͔͋̄̔͂̆̓̅͑̐̽̓́͆̔͂́͗̐̆̂̿͆͋̓͛̃́̅̈́̀͊̒̐̃̇̇̈̽̀̾̂̽̇̽͐̐̒̒̈́̆̉̊̾̑͒̒̾͂̅̓̔́͂͛̊̑͆͊̌̑̈́̃̈́̍̋̄̈́̚͘̕̚̕̕̚͜͜͜͜͜͝ͅͅͅͅb̸̡̡̢̛̛̪̼̙͈̜͙͍̻̲̻͚̩̣̣̣͔͈̝͚̺͖̙̞͕͉̟̲͓͙̠̌͆̈́͂̈́͒̅̀̋̍̋̌̓̓͛̈́̈́̽̏͑̓͌̋̄̂͂̓̐̐̀̐̿̏̍͋̉͂̒̊̾̉̑͌̇̈́̓͑͌̊͒̆̉́̔̈̆͛̏̂̌͛̃̔͐̂̽̈̓̓̍̌̊̌͊́̽̒̀̎̄̑́̈̈́̀̒͆̾̈͐̂̋̈́̍̈́͂͌̍̈́̌̚̕̕̕̚̚͜͝͝͝͝ͅu̶̡̡̢̢̧̡̧̨̨̨̡̨̧̢̨̢̡̢̢̢̧̡̢̡̧̨̨̡̪̭̗̥̞̟̼̝͓͕͓̭̻̪̱͕͓̺͉͉̖͇͕͍̘͈̹̲̻͇̦̙̗͍̥̬̭̥̱̼̤̞̠̟̫̬͍̠̥̗̤̱̯̙̪̻͖̦̺̱̜̱̘͎̟͍̳͔̹̪͉̗̳̹͕̲̰͚̪̮͖̥̮̞̟̳͈͙̯͔̘̖̞̹͚̯͖̮̪̞͓̭͇͕̠̫̬͎̘̙̪͔͉͇̲̖̻͍̝͉̳͈̺̝̙̙̥̟͔̩̼͍̠̖̥̖̳̮̟̘̱̖͔̱̯̻̮̙͚̝̹͓̘̦͇̹͎̯̯̠̻̯̹̱̺͍͍͓̺͓̭͍̙̹̣̻̝͔̥̯͉̙̺͉͈͍̼̫͚͇̦̯̻̹͙̤̦̼̫̣̦̰̬̮̦̜͕̯͙̼̲̝̟͈̺͖̠͙͉̞̥̰̠̲̺̟̺̫̞͕̩͙̭͇̦͙̺̲̞̭̗͕̮̹̤͈̾́̌̉̏͑̃̿̅̓̋̿̿̊̊̏͒̃́̆̊̽̽̋́̈́͆̈́̐̾̔̊̃̓͌̋̿́͌̈̅̕͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͠͝ͅͅͅͅͅr̷̡̡̨̨̨̢̧̧̡̧̛̛̛̖͇͉̜̲̤͖̬̘̺̜̪̯̣̞͖̼̭̫̲͉̥̮͇̟̩̝̹̲̩̫̙̭̖̞͙̻̺̤͈͇̩͍̖͈̝̘̖̣̯̗̯͙̲͕͇̰͔̠̳̞̯̮̲̯̮͍̥͔̹̙̗͓̙̟͕̹̩̠͉͚̦͓̥̮̫̠̟͕̗̳̱̖̻͕̱͕̥̝͇͉̫͚͇͎̣̦͚̤͙̘͓͍̩͇̼͎̥͓͇̠̰͙̩̫̻̯̟̳̟͕̲̩̦̥̞̜̰̤̦̼̦̅̔͆̆̂͆̓̿̈́͌̿̊̄̌̉̃͆̓͛͊͒͋̒̾͂̅̈́͌̋͂̆̓̏̍̅́̓̏̾̒̔̄̃͐̇̽̆̆͊̽̆̈́̎̈́̋͂̍̅͐̏̉̿̉̽̔͑̾̉̊̎̑̇̌̀̓̍̂̐̐̈́̉͆̌̑͐̔͌̒͑̅̆̕͘͘͘̕͘̚̚̕̚͜͜͝͠͝͝͝͝͠͝͝͝ͅͅͅn̵̡̧̡̡̡̛̛̛̛̛̛͉͍͉̹͍̟̺̣͎̰͎̳̲͕̭̜͍̜͙͚̞͓̝̺͚͓̪̩̞̥̱̼̺̳̳̼̯̥͈̰̣̜̱̲̟̳̗̼̱͔̮̣̺̝̜̣̖͙̳̰̖̭͕̲̞͓̫̬̤̞͚̥̱͍̖̲̲̮̭̤̰̼̰̞͍̤̠̻̼͕̠̬̙̠̖̜̹͉̖̙͔̥̳̬̝̜͓̽̌́͂̾͆̈̏̈́̽̆̔̎̾͑̓̎̂̎̈́̏̃̉͑̈́̈́̓̄̒̑̊͛̋̈́̌́̃̓́̾͗̏̿̑̃̀̅̋̄̊̎̌͂̇̈́͂́̈́͆̀̌͋̂̈́̑̔͐̓̉͂̒͛͗̃̇̃̉́͌̐̀̇͐̍́̿͊̈́̆̔̏̆̾͒͋̍̓̀̾̀͌́̂̆̄͋̅̍̉̄͑̈͆̈̃̓̀́̀̑͋̀̓̾͑̏͌̊̈͗͂̿͗͌̐̓̓̓͋̇̄̆̃͂̏̿̓̂͛́̐͊̒̓͂͊̌͐̾͛̿̈́͊͂͑̑̂̈͒̂͗̓͊̊̈́͛̓͒͑̏͑͂̿͋̓͊̈́́̿̈́̈́̌̈́̈̑͛̑̉̏̾̊̇̾̾̀̌̐̈̉̿̾͂̄̄̾͑͑̿̀̆̒̈́̌̾̀̋̋̃͒̆͊̉̿͌́̌̾͐̐̇͂̒̓͂͋̓̉̾̈̽͌̀͂͗͂̽̍͛͘̚̕̚͘̕͘͘͘̚̚̚̕̕͘͘̚͜͜͜͜͜͝͝͝͠͝͝͝͠͠͠͠͝͝͝͠͝͝͠ͅ*
[[Next Log Entry->Log10]]**Testing ceased - (current-date:).**
(colour: "#2F4F4F")[`@steve_bromley`]<u>Experimenter's Log - 03:00</u>
*More raised voices, a loud bang, and silence. *
[[Next Log Entry->Log5b]]<u>Experimenter's Log - 24:00</u>
*It's been quiet for a long time now... *
[[Next Log Entry->Log6]]