<span style="font-size: 120%">Dog Appreciator</span>
*In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only dogs.*
[[Play Dog Appreciator]]Welcome Citizen.
You have yet to appreciate today's allocated dogs.
Please ensure that you do so within the approved appreciation hours.
[[Appreciate today's dogs.->Appreciate 1]]
(set: $dogs to 10)
Please appreciate this dog.
<img src="http://stevebromley.com/games/dogs/pictures/dog1.jpg" width="100%" alt="Dog">
(link: "I **do** appreciate this dog.")[
(replace: ?links)[Please tell us why you appreciate this dog:]
(show: ?reply1)
(link: "I **do not** appreciate this dog.")[
(replace: ?links)[Please tell us why you do not appreciate this dog:]
(show: ?reply2)
[(link: "He looks like a good doggo.")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Thanks")]] <br>
[(link: "Look at his little face.")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Thanks")]] <br>
[(link: "He has cute stumpy legs.")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Thanks")]]
(if:$deny is 0)[(link: "I do not like the look of this dog.")[(set: $deny to 1)(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Thanks")]] (if:$deny is 1)[(link: "I do not like the look of this dog.")[(set: $deny to 2)(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Warning")]](if:$deny is 2)[(link: "I do not like the look of this dog.")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Terminate")]]<br><br>
[(link: "This is not a dog")[(set: $notdog to it + 1)(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"NotDog")]]
Thank you. Please proceed to appreciate the next dog.
You have $dogs dogs left to appreciate today.
(if: $dogs is 9)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 2")]] (if: $dogs is 8)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 3")]](if: $dogs is 7)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 4")]](if: $dogs is 6)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 5")]](if: $dogs is 5)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 6")]](if: $dogs is 4)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 7")]](if: $dogs is 3)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 8")]](if: $dogs is 2)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 9")]](if: $dogs is 1)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 10")]]
Please appreciate this dog.
<img src="http://stevebromley.com/games/dogs/pictures/dog2.jpg" width="100%" alt="Dog">
(link: "I do appreciate this dog.")[
(replace: ?links)[Please tell us why you appreciate this dog:]
(show: ?reply1)
(link: "I do not appreciate this dog.")[
(replace: ?links)[Please tell us why you do not appreciate this dog:]
(show: ?reply2)
[(link: "He's a good boy!")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Thanks")]] <br>
[(link: "He's woof-tastic!")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Thanks")]] <br>
[(link: "He's a handsome little guy!")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Thanks")]]
(if:$deny is 0)[(link: "I do not like the look of this dog.")[(set: $deny to 1)(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Thanks")]] (if:$deny is 1)[(link: "I do not like the look of this dog.")[(set: $deny to 2)(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Warning")]](if:$deny is 2)[(link: "I do not like the look of this dog.")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Terminate")]]<br><br>
[(link: "This is not a dog")[(set: $notdog to it + 1)(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"NotDog")]]
(if: $notdog is 1)[Thank you for reporting this issue with your allocated dog.
A case has been raised with our review team. We aim to get a response with you within 12 working days.
(if: $dogs is 9)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 2")]]
(if: $dogs is 8)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 3")]]
(if: $dogs is 7)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 4")]]
(if: $dogs is 6)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 5")]]
(if: $dogs is 5)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 6")]]
(if: $dogs is 4)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 7")]]
(if: $dogs is 3)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 8")]]
(if: $dogs is 2)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 9")]]
(if: $dogs is 1)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 10")]]
(if: $notdog is 2)[
(live:1s)[(set: $helloTimer to $helloTimer + 1)(if: $helloTimer is 1 or $helloTimer > 1)[E̴r̴r̵o̴r̸](if: $helloTimer is 3 or $helloTimer > 3)[
(if: $helloTimer is 5 or $helloTimer > 5)[
(if: $helloTimer >7 and $helloTimer < 11)[A lady opens the door, dressed in a yellow gown. It must have been grand once, but the gown has faded with time and is studded with moth holes. Her eyes look sad, mottled with red blotches.
In the dark it's difficult to perceive her age, but she can't be more than 35.
*"What is it?"* she barks
(if: $helloTimer >13 and $helloTimer < 17)[You do not pull the lever.
The trolley rattles on towards the five people who are oblivious, deep in conversation. At the last minute one looks up and shouts out, but it is too late.
As the trolley ploughs through the people, one after another, it is thrown off balance and topples off it's rails. It crushes a nearby Cocker Spaniel who was passing before it grinds to a halt.
(if: $helloTimer >20 and $helloTimer < 25)[You wander through the abandoned shops of the Strand, picking through the debris looking for anything that can be traded for food. In the distance the husk of the London Eye lies strewn across the skyline - it's been weeks since it collapsed, but parts of it still smoulder.
Buried amongst the abandoned barricade outside the tube station, you spot a Gregg's sausage roll. It looks untouched.
(if: $helloTimer > 30)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Error")]]
]Please appreciate this dog.
<img src="http://stevebromley.com/games/dogs/pictures/dog3.jpg" width="100%" alt="Dog">
(link: "I do appreciate this dog.")[
(replace: ?links)[Please tell us why you appreciate this dog:]
(show: ?reply1)
(link: "I do not appreciate this dog.")[
(replace: ?links)[Please tell us why you do not appreciate this dog:]
(show: ?reply2)
[(link: "Dog!")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Thanks")]] <br>
[(link: "He's the best boy!")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Thanks")]] <br>
[(link: "He thinks he's people")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Thanks")]]
(if:$deny is 0)[(link: "I do not like the look of this dog.")[(set: $deny to 1)(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Thanks")]] (if:$deny is 1)[(link: "I do not like the look of this dog.")[(set: $deny to 2)(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Warning")]](if:$deny is 2)[(link: "I do not like the look of this dog.")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Terminate")]]<br><br>
[(link: "This is not a dog")[(set: $notdog to it + 1)(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"NotDog")]]
Please appreciate this dog.
<img src="http://stevebromley.com/games/dogs/pictures/cat1.jpg" width="100%" alt="Dog?">
(link: "I do appreciate this dog.")[
(replace: ?links)[Please tell us why you appreciate this dog:]
(show: ?reply1)
(link: "I do not appreciate this dog.")[
(replace: ?links)[Please tell us why you do not appreciate this dog:]
(show: ?reply2)
[(link: "He looks like a good doggo.")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"A Cat")]] <br>
[(link: "He's a good boy!")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"A Cat")]] <br>
[(link: "Dog!")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"A Cat")]]
(if:$deny is 0)[(link: "I do not like the look of this dog.")[(set: $deny to 1)(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"A Cat")]] (if:$deny is 1)[(link: "I do not like the look of this dog.")[(set: $deny to 2)(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Warning")]](if:$deny is 2)[(link: "I do not like the look of this dog.")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Terminate")]]<br><br>
[(link: "This is not a dog")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"NotDog Correct")]]
Please appreciate this dog.
<img src="http://stevebromley.com/games/dogs/pictures/dog4.jpg" width="100%" alt="Dog">
(link: "I do appreciate this dog.")[
(replace: ?links)[Please tell us why you appreciate this dog:]
(show: ?reply1)
(link: "I do not appreciate this dog.")[
(replace: ?links)[Please tell us why you do not appreciate this dog:]
(show: ?reply2)
[(link: "Look at his little face.")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Thanks")]] <br>
[(link: "He's woof-tastic!")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Thanks")]] <br>
[(link: "He's the best boy!")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Thanks")]]
(if:$deny is 0)[(link: "I do not like the look of this dog.")[(set: $deny to 1)(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Thanks")]] (if:$deny is 1)[(link: "I do not like the look of this dog.")[(set: $deny to 2)(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Warning")]](if:$deny is 2)[(link: "I do not like the look of this dog.")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Terminate")]]<br><br>
[(link: "This is not a dog")[(set: $notdog to it + 1)(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"NotDog")]]
Please appreciate this dog.
<img src="http://stevebromley.com/games/dogs/pictures/dog5.jpg" width="100%" alt="Dog">
(link: "I do appreciate this dog.")[
(replace: ?links)[Please tell us why you appreciate this dog:]
(show: ?reply1)
(link: "I do not appreciate this dog.")[
(replace: ?links)[Please tell us why you do not appreciate this dog:]
(show: ?reply2)
[(link: "He looks proud.")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Thanks")]] <br>
[(link: "He's a handsome little guy!")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Thanks")]] <br>
[(link: "He thinks he's people")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Thanks")]]
(if:$deny is 0)[(link: "I do not like the look of this dog.")[(set: $deny to 1)(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Thanks")]] (if:$deny is 1)[(link: "I do not like the look of this dog.")[(set: $deny to 2)(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Warning")]](if:$deny is 2)[(link: "I do not like the look of this dog.")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Terminate")]]<br><br>
[(link: "This is not a dog")[(set: $notdog to it + 1)(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"NotDog")]]
Please appreciate this dog.
<img src="http://stevebromley.com/games/dogs/pictures/dog6.jpg" width="100%" alt="Dog">
(link: "I do appreciate this dog.")[
(replace: ?links)[Please tell us why you appreciate this dog:]
(show: ?reply1)
(link: "I do not appreciate this dog.")[
(replace: ?links)[Please tell us why you do not appreciate this dog:]
(show: ?reply2)
[(link: "He looks like a good doggo.")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Thanks")]] <br>
[(link: "He thinks he's people")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Thanks")]] <br>
[(link: "He's woof-tastic!")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Thanks")]]
(if:$deny is 0)[(link: "I do not like the look of this dog.")[(set: $deny to 1)(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Thanks")]] (if:$deny is 1)[(link: "I do not like the look of this dog.")[(set: $deny to 2)(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Warning")]](if:$deny is 2)[(link: "I do not like the look of this dog.")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Terminate")]]<br><br>
[(link: "This is not a dog")[(set: $notdog to it + 1)(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"NotDog")]]
Please appreciate this dog.
<img src="http://stevebromley.com/games/dogs/pictures/dog7.jpg" width="100%" alt="Dog">
(link: "I do appreciate this dog.")[
(replace: ?links)[Please tell us why you appreciate this dog:]
(show: ?reply1)
(link: "I do not appreciate this dog.")[
(replace: ?links)[Please tell us why you do not appreciate this dog:]
(show: ?reply2)
[(link: "Look at his little face.")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Thanks")]] <br>
[(link: "He's a handsome little guy!")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Thanks")]] <br>
[(link: "Dog! ")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Thanks")]]
(if:$deny is 0)[(link: "I do not like the look of this dog.")[(set: $deny to 1)(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Thanks")]] (if:$deny is 1)[(link: "I do not like the look of this dog.")[(set: $deny to 2)(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Warning")]](if:$deny is 2)[(link: "I do not like the look of this dog.")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Terminate")]]<br><br>
[(link: "This is not a dog")[(set: $notdog to it + 1)(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"NotDog")]]
Please appreciate this dog.
<img src="http://stevebromley.com/games/dogs/pictures/cat2.jpg" width="100%" alt="Dog?">
(link: "I do appreciate this dog.")[
(replace: ?links)[Please tell us why you appreciate this dog:]
(show: ?reply1)
(link: "I do not appreciate this dog.")[
(replace: ?links)[Please tell us why you do not appreciate this dog:]
(show: ?reply2)
[(link: "He has a wise face.")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"A Cat 2")]] <br>
[(link: "He's a good boy!")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"A Cat 2")]] <br>
[(link: "He's the best boy!")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"A Cat 2")]]
(if:$deny is 0)[(link: "I do not like the look of this dog.")[(set: $deny to 1)(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"A Cat 2")]] (if:$deny is 1)[(link: "I do not like the look of this dog.")[(set: $deny to 2)(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"A Cat 2")]](if:$deny is 2)[(link: "I do not like the look of this dog.")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"A Cat 2")]]<br><br>
[(link: "This is not a dog")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"NotDog Correct")]]
Please appreciate this dog.
<img src="http://stevebromley.com/games/dogs/pictures/dog8.jpg" width="100%" alt="Dog">
(link: "I do appreciate this dog.")[
(replace: ?links)[Please tell us why you appreciate this dog:]
(show: ?reply1)
(link: "I do not appreciate this dog.")[
(replace: ?links)[Please tell us why you do not appreciate this dog:]
(show: ?reply2)
[(link: "He looks like he's ready for business")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"End")]] <br>
[(link: "He has kind eyes")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"End")]] <br>
[(link: "He had a round face like a balloon")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"End")]]
(if:$deny is 0)[(link: "I do not like the look of this dog.")[(set: $deny to 1)(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Thanks")]] (if:$deny is 1)[(link: "I do not like the look of this dog.")[(set: $deny to 2)(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Warning")]](if:$deny is 2)[(link: "I do not like the look of this dog.")[(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"Terminate")]]<br><br>
[(link: "This is not a dog")[(set: $notdog to it + 1)(set: $dogs to it - 1)(goto:"NotDog")]]
Thank you for your hard work citizen.
You have earned 300 DA credits. You require an additional 2,376,288 to reach the next tier reward - The 'i love dogs' branded t-shirt.
Please return to your pen and await further instruction.
And remember: "You are the real good boy".
The end.
(colour: "#2F4F4F")[`@steve_bromley`]Thank you for your vigilance citizen.
Your superior recognition skills have been noted. Please proceed to appreciate the next dog
(if: $dogs is 9)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 2")]] (if: $dogs is 8)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 3")]](if: $dogs is 7)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 4")]](if: $dogs is 6)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 5")]](if: $dogs is 5)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 6")]](if: $dogs is 4)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 7")]](if: $dogs is 3)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 8")]](if: $dogs is 2)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 9")]](if: $dogs is 1)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 10")]]
This was not a dog. Please take dog appreciation seriously.
Your non-compliance has been noted.
(if: $dogs is 9)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 2")]] (if: $dogs is 8)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 3")]](if: $dogs is 7)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 4")]](if: $dogs is 6)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 5")]](if: $dogs is 5)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 6")]](if: $dogs is 4)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 7")]](if: $dogs is 3)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 8")]](if: $dogs is 2)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 9")]](if: $dogs is 1)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 10")]]Please note that you approaching the recommended MDA (Minimum Dog Appreciation) level.
You are reminded that it is every citizens duty to appreciate dogs, and this service is provided for your benefit.
Please proceed to appreciate the next dog.
(if: $dogs is 9)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 2")]] (if: $dogs is 8)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 3")]](if: $dogs is 7)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 4")]](if: $dogs is 6)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 5")]](if: $dogs is 5)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 6")]](if: $dogs is 4)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 7")]](if: $dogs is 3)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 8")]](if: $dogs is 2)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 9")]](if: $dogs is 1)[(link: "Continue appreciating dogs")[(goto:"Appreciate 10")]]
You have exceeded the MDA level for today.
Please explain why this has occured:
[[I no longer wish to appreciate dogs.->No More Dogs]]
[[Today's dogs were difficult to appreciate.->Hard To Appreciate]]All citizens should recall that the Rotherham Peace Accord declared that dogs should be the subject of daily appreciation.
Your non-compliance is considered a hostile enemy action, as specified in the terms following the second 'Dog & Duck' war.
Appreciation agents have been dispatched to your workstation, and will be with you shortly.
Thank you for your service.
The end.
(colour: "#2F4F4F")[`@steve_bromley`]Your feedback is appreciated.
Appreciation agents have been dispatched to your workstation, and will be with you shortly.
Your participation in the re-appreciation programme is mandatory.
We thank you for your contribution to dog appreciation, and look forward to you appreciating dogs again soon.
The end.
(colour: "#2F4F4F")[`@steve_bromley`]This was not a dog.
We have detected a pattern of non-compliance. Please explain why this has occured:
[[I no longer wish to appreciate dogs.->No More Dogs]]
[[Today's dogs were difficult to appreciate.->Hard To Appreciate]](set: $goodbyeTimer to 0)(set: $wooftext to "Good Boy!")
(live:1s)[(set: $goodbyeTimer to it+1)(set: $wooftext to it + " Good Boy!")
(if: $goodbyeTimer%2 is 1)[Woof
<img src="http://stevebromley.com/games/dogs/pictures/dogerror1.jpg" width="50%" align=“middle” alt="DogDogDog">
](if: $goodbyeTimer%2 is 0 )[<div style="text-indent: 15em;">Woof!</div>
<img src="http://stevebromley.com/games/dogs/pictures/dogerror2.jpg" width="50%" align=“middle” alt="DogDog">
(if: $goodbyeTimer > 5 )[
The end.
(colour: "#2F4F4F")[`@steve_bromley`]]